Second Graders

Let the adventures begin. Our second graders are driving into a successful school year.

Second Graders

Second Graders

Juniors or Seniors interested in taking the SAT remember the registration deadline for the September SAT is August 26. Students who qualify for free/reduced lunch can see Mrs. Bellamey for a waiver. Current TRIO students qualify for a waiver, as well.

We would like to say what a great week we have had in the district welcoming students back into the classroom as well as our remote learning students. The faculty and staff are so excited about getting back into school . Thanks again and have a great weekend.

When visiting Maple Grove Elementary for student testing, to pick up remote learning materials, or to attend teacher meetings, please call the office at 543-6205. Do this immediately upon arrival rather than coming into the building. All visitors must be asked a list of questions to verify health status. Once this is taken care of, the teacher will be notified you are on site. Someone will come out and get you when they are ready. Dismissal time is 2:00 p.m. Please be patient with us as it takes time to get the buses safely loaded. We must follow guidelines for masks, social distancing, and the COVID Checklist to help ensure everyone's safety. Thank you for your cooperation!

Maple Grove staff would like to thank Creations for the beautiful back to school bouquet! What an awesome way to brighten everyone's day!

The Joppa High School faculty and staff would like to thank Creations The Florist for sending such a beautiful bouquet to brighten our first week of school.

Last day to change a high school schedule is Friday, August 21. See Mrs. Bellamey if you have any questions.

Joppa/Maple Grove USD #38 is now on Twitter @JMGUSD38. Have a great weekend...

Students and Families of Maple Grove Elementary School
We are excited to begin classes for the fall on Monday morning. We have made adjustments to our schedule this year due to our present situation. All students will unload and load at the side entrance to the gym. No unloading will occur prior to 8 a.m. for buses and cars. We will unload one bus at a time with all 5th and 6th graders staying in the gym until the hallways have cleared. Car riders then will enter the building. Pre-K and Kindergarten will be eating breakfast in the cafeteria in the morning with all other classes eating in their respective rooms. For lunch we will have two classes in the cafeteria and one in the gym to maintain low numbers and proper social distancing. Dismissal time for the students will be at 2 pm. Remote learning time will be from 2-3 pm for the teachers. Students opting for remote learning will be contacted by their teacher when they can pick up their books. We are working on a schedule and date to provide a class to the remote students which will occur in the high school cafeteria regarding our chrome books. This class will be given before chrome books will be issued. We would like to thank you for willingness to be flexible during these difficult times. We are so excited to see the students on Monday.
Thanks again. Dr. Jeffrey A. Dufour, Principal

Students and Families of Joppa Jr./Sr. High School
We are excited to begin classes for the fall on Monday morning. We have made adjustments to our schedule this year due to our present situation. The doors at the high school will open at 7:50 for high school students only that are eating breakfast. All other students will enter the building at 8:00 a.m. High School students will report to their first period class, 7th graders will report to Ms. Carder’s class and 8th graders will report to Ms. Bellamey’s class. The 7th grade and 8th grade class will have breakfast delivered to their class. Dismissal in the afternoon will be at 2 pm. Remote learning time will be from 2-3 pm for the teachers. Students opting for remote learning will be contacted by their teacher when they can pick up their books. We are working on a schedule and date to provide a class to the remote students which will occur in the high school cafeteria regarding our chrome books. This class will be given before chrome books will be issued. We would like to thank you for willingness to be flexible during these difficult times. We are so excited to see the students on Monday.
Thanks again. Dr. Jeffrey A. Dufour, Principal

The staff at Joppa/Maple Grove School District #38 are so ready for the 2020-21 school year to begin on Monday morning. The teachers and support staff have been working very hard the past few days and are excited about the school year. More will be posted tomorrow about arrival times for both schools.
Go Jets and Rangers.

Joppa-Maple Grove is in need of sub custodians. If you are interested please contact Dr. Dufour or Deanna at 543-7589, or stop by the high school for an application.

Acorn Equality Fund will award scholarships of $1,000 to $4,000 for lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender students, allies, or the children of gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender parents in downstate Illinois. Applications are available at https://www.acornequalityfund.org/scholarships--grants.html. Deadline is September 18.

Students now have access to their 2020-21 schedule. To view the schedule, students or parents/guardians should log into their StI account. Make sure you have selected 2020-21 school year and click on schedule. The last day for students to change their schedule is Friday, August 21.

Due to the low participation numbers, Jr. High baseball and softball will not have a season this year. The high school volleyball season has been moved to the spring based on the most recent I.H.S.A. guidance.

Just a quick reminder that drive up registration is today at the high school from 1 pm-7 pm for all students. Looking forward to seeing everyone.

Hey Ranger Nation! I am so excited for us to come back together for classes!
JHS English students will need the following school supplies:
-a 3-ring binder with dividers, 1.5 in. preferred
-pens/pencils (NO RED or PINK)
-a pocket folder
-loose leaf college-ruled paper
-a face mask
JHS Speech students will need:
-a 3-ring binder, 1.5 in. preferred
-a pocket folder
-loose leaf college-ruled paper
-pens/pencils (NO RED or PINK)
JJHS Keyboarding students will need:
-a pocket folder
-loose leaf college-ruled paper
-pens/pencils (NO RED or PINK)
I will be providing my JHS English students with a college-ruled composition notebook at the start of the school year. I can't wait to see you!