Substitute Teachers, Substitute Instructional Aides, Substitute Custodians, and Cooks are needed. Search under Employment Opportunities for more information and to apply today!
over 4 years ago, Donna Rushing
Substitute Teachers, Substitute Instructional Aides, Substitute Custodians, and Cooks are needed.  Search under Employment Opportunities for more information and to apply.
Mask break
over 4 years ago, Johnnie Owens
The 6th graders are social distancing and taking a mask break!
Coach Kreuter's students enjoying Frisbee golf.
over 4 years ago, Dr. Jeff Dufour
Frisbee golf
Sixth graders love taking tests on their chromebooks!
over 4 years ago, Johnnie Owens
Sixth graders love their chomebooks!
Ms Carder's students working diligently on their Chrome Books.
over 4 years ago, Dr. Jeff Dufour
Carder's chromebooks
Ms. Godfrey's students preparing for the day.
over 4 years ago, Dr. Jeff Dufour
Godfrey students
Ms. Lowery's class working on picnic tables for the front of Joppa Jr/Sr High School. Thanks to Lowe's on Hinkleville Road in Paducah for your donation. We appreciate your contribution to our school and community.
over 4 years ago, Dr. Jeff Dufour
Lowery 2
Lowery 1
Mr. Goddard's class showing how to get a complete shine back on an old truck. Great work...
over 4 years ago, Dr. Jeff Dufour
Goddard 2
Goddard 1
Joppa/Maple Grove School District # 38 would like to thank C & W Automotive of Metropolis for their donation of over 200 bottles of Germ-X sanitizer to our schools. We have an amazing community...Thanks again for thinking of us.
over 4 years ago, Dr. Jeff Dufour
Germ x
Seniors and Senior parents/guardians be sure to visit the Before College to learn about the many outreach initiatives offered by ISAC. Along with online resources to explore careers, find colleges, and learn about applying for financial aid, they'll find information about the ISACorps, which is a group of recent college graduates who are trained to serve as near peer mentors to high school students, helping students and their families navigate the process of applying to and entering college. Go to for this information.
over 4 years ago, Penny Bellamey
Juniors & Seniors who are interested to learn more about SIU-E should sign up outside Mrs. Bellamey's guidance room. A virtual meeting will be set up for these individuals.
over 4 years ago, Penny Bellamey
It is time for high school seniors planning to start college in the fall of 2021 to create an FSA ID. Go to to create your FSA ID. This ID will be used in October when completing the FAFSA. FAFSA results are used to determine eligibility for the MAP grant, as well as several other forms of federal, state and institutional financial assistance. The 2021-22 FAFSA, which will require 2019 income information, should be completed as soon after October 1, 2020 as possible.
over 4 years ago, Penny Bellamey
Educational Talent Search (as known as TRIO) is a federal program funded by the United States Department of Education and sponsored by Shawnee Community College. The ETS program is dedicated to increasing middle and high school retention/graduation rates as well as post-secondary completion. Services are provided FREE of charge. Parent/Guardians of interested sixth grade students through seniors, please complete all items. All information will remain confidential. Application: Middle School Assessment: High School Assessment:
over 4 years ago, Penny Bellamey
Meet Zoey! She is the new adopted calf of Mrs. Peck’s Second Grade Class. We will be following her growth and learning about the “Dairy” life throughout the year.
over 4 years ago, Tamra Peck
Parents of 4th - 12th Graders . If you have not yet filled out the Chrome book agreement or paid the technology fee please do so at your earliest convenience. Chrome books will be allowed to be taken home for those that have met that requirement on Thursday afternoon. Students will be expected to charge their devices prior to returning to school each day. Please see Deanna at Joppa Jr/Sr High or Donna at Maple Grove if you still need to fill out the agreement or pay the fee.
over 4 years ago, Dr. Jeff Dufour
chrome book
The University of Illinois ROTC will be visiting our campus to see all high school students on September 25th during 2nd and 3rd period. We are looking forward to the visit from the Navy and Marine Corps active duty instructors.
over 4 years ago, Dr. Jeff Dufour
Illinois ROTC
First things first: What is synchronous learning? The first thing to know about synchronous learning is that it takes place in real-time, thus, a group of students engage in learning at the same time. At Joppa/Maple Grove USD#38, the delivery of remote learning will primarily be through synchronous learning. Through synchronous learning, students can collaborate freely, ask questions and receive answers from the teacher in real time. The students that are in remote learning also have the opportunity to collaborate with their fellow students as if they were sitting in the classroom. We are looking forward to seeing all of you in our Google Classrooms across our district.
over 4 years ago, Dr. Jeff Dufour
Synchronous Learning
Western Kentucky University (Bowling Green, KY) will be shifting to test optional admission requirements. Under the new requirements, students with a minimum unweighted cumulative GPA of at least a 2.5 will not need to submit test scores for an admission decision. Please note, some WKU scholarships may still require submission of test scores to determine eligibility. Students with a 2.00-2.49 unweighted cumulative GPA will still need to submit test scores, and the student’s application will be evaluated on a competitive basis. More information is available online at
over 4 years ago, Penny Bellamey
Seniors check your school email for scholarship information.
over 4 years ago, Penny Bellamey
There will be a meeting for all remote learners that are using Chromebooks on Monday, August 31st, 2020, at 5:00 – 6:00 p.m. in the Joppa Jr./Sr. High cafeteria. A Chromebook class will be given, questions answered, and Chrome books issued at the end of the session. If the Chromebook fee has not been paid, we will take payments at this session. A mask will be required of all attendees and temperatures will be taken at the front door. If you are unable to attend the meeting or have additional questions, please contact Dr. Jeffrey A. Dufour at for more guidance and information.
over 4 years ago, Dr. Jeff Dufour