Junior High supply list for Mrs. Carder:
Binder - in the past I have requested each student to have a 3 inch binder to be able to incorporate all classes in one binder. If you choose to use different, smaller binders, you will need to ensure you are taking the appropriate binder to each class. I do require students to keep all work that has been passed back. This is an easy way to study for exams. I also check, on occasion, to see if students are keeping their work.
-Ear buds/ear phones
-Pencils (if you use mechanical pencils you must supply your own led)
-Masks (at least 2)
-Water bottle (must have a secure lid to prevent spills)
-We will occasionally complete posters and projects and will require other items as needed (crayons, colored pencils, poster board.)
Requested Items - if you are able to purchase anything extra for our classrooms it would be greatly appreciated!
-Cleaning/disinfecting wipes
-Personal supplies (there is a “closet” of hygiene items in the office that we would like to try to keep stocked, but there are also some items that we would like to keep in the classroom on hand for students - deodorant, female products, etc.)
-Disinfectant spray
-Hand sanitizer

Registration day for all returning students will be Tuesday, August 11 from 9-11 and 1-7 at the high school building. ALL students must register for the 2020-21 school year and ALL registration information must be turned in by Wednesday, August 12. If you are unable to pick up your students packet on August 11 or return it on the 12, please contact either office for arrangements. Packets are also on the jmg38.com website.

Important back to school dates
Drive thru Registration August 11, 9-11 and 1-7 pm for all JMG#38 students at the high school.
Teacher In-Service August 13th and 14th
First day of school is August 17th
School will be in session from 8am - 2 pm
There will be two options:
Option 1 - In person at school, either MG or JHS JR/SR High.
Option 2- Remote learning. If you commit to remote learning that option will be in place for 9 weeks.
We look forward to seeing you all very soon for our 2020-21 school year.

Students transferring in from another district may come to the high school office on Monday, August 10 from 9-11 or 1-3 to register. If a later time is needed, please call and speak with the office. Remember to bring proof of residency as well as any legal documentation needed.

Registration for Maple Grove Elementary, Joppa Jr./Sr. High will be held on August 11th from 9-11 am and 1-7 pm at the Joppa Jr./Sr. High entrance. The packets may be picked up and filled out in the parking lot and returned the same day or the day following for those desiring to do them at home. All information will be inside the manila envelopes and when returned can be placed in the designated box in front of the school. We are looking forward to seeing you then.

There will be a community and parent meeting regarding the 2020-21 school year reopening on Wednesday, July 22, at 6 pm in the Joppa Jr/Sr. High Cafeteria. This meeting can either be attended on Zoom or in person. If you are attending in person, please send a confirmation email to jdufour@joppa38.com to verify your attendance. Due to state mandates, we are allowed to have no more than 50 people in attendance. If the number of attendees exceeds this number, then we will open an additional meeting immediately following the 6 pm meeting. You are more than welcome to attend this meeting virtually. If you do attend, please adhere to social guidelines. You must wear a facial mask and follow the 6 ft. social distance guidelines. Thanks so much and we look forward to seeing you soon.
Dr. Jeffrey A. Dufour
Topic: Community and Parent Information Meeting
Time: July 22, 2020 06:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 976 7019 7526
Passcode: 3jbJBy

Stay up to date at the touch of an App.

Governor Pritzker and Coursera recently launched the Workforce Recovery Initiative, which offers virtual career training for unemployed Illinois residents. Registration for the Coursera Workforce Recovery Initiative will be made available to Illinois residents from now through September, and all courses must be completed by Dec. 31, 2020. Upon completion of the program, participants may earn an industry-recognized credential as well as information about continuing building upon their new skilled through continued education at their local community college.
Go to: https://www.coursera.org/government/workforce-recovery

Welcome Principal, Dr. Dufour
Joppa-Maple Grove Unit School District 38 is excited to welcome Dr. Dufour as the new school principal for Joppa Jr/Sr High School and Maple Grove Elementary School. Dr. Dufour has been the Physical Education Teacher at Joppa for the last year. Prior to that, he worked in North Carolina as Assistant Principal, Athletic Director, and as a PE teacher throughout his career. His enthusiasm and love for education will enable him to foster relationships and provide the leadership to build and maintain a positive school culture.

Report cards may be viewed online in the home portal at https://510410.stiinformationnow.com/informationnow Parents needing login credentials may email me at drushing@joppa38.com or call the office at 618-543-7434 Ext. 1201

2020 Report cards are available to view in the home portal.

Retrieval of Personal Items - If you haven’t been able to get to your school to pickup your personal items, please call to let the Administrative Assistant know when you will stop by the building. Office hours are Monday through Thursday 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Maple Grove Elementary had an awesome Spirit Week last week. Thanks for sharing all those awesome pictures.

JMG teachers and staff had a great time Monday participating in a car parade. We want to thank everyone who came out! Thank you to the awesome students, family members, and community members for your support.

Good morning ,
The Illinois State Board of Education released information late Friday on converting our school days to something called a “Remote Learning Day.” We are quickly trying to determine what that means for providing educational services to our students. We hope to have more information on that front in the next couple of days as we polish our E Learning Plan now that we have a better idea of state requirements. The Act of God Days end on March 30. We will be moving into the Remote Learning Days after the faculty and staff have had adequate time to prepare for this type of learning delivery. Please stay posted and I will keep you updated.
Dr. V. Artman