A few of the raffle items for Joppa FFA/ Carpentry class. Please contact your favorite FFA member or Ashlin Lowery to purchase tickets! Raffle winners will be announced on Tuesday, May 17th!
Come Join Our Team!
James with TRIO is doing a STEM activity using keva planks with the 6th graders.
Summer School will be offered this summer from June 13 - July 1 and July 5 - 22. Classes will be from Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm at the SCC Metro Center. If a student is 16 and has failed a class, they are eligible to enroll. Contact Mrs. Bellamey for more information.
The senior Civics class has been working on a community service project as apart of the EYPC program they are participating in. Today they were able to present their ideas and findings to Superintendent Dr. Vickie Artman and Mayor Sue Sandusky. These students are taking an initiative to help clean up Joppa’s park.
The first park clean up will be help May 9 at 3:30 pm, we encourage all community members to come out and join us. Water bottles and popsicles will be provided to volunteers!
.FFA banquet, congratulations to all of you
See attached flyer for available locations, dates and times for Massac County.
7th grade is selling raffle tickets for a Summer Fun Raffle. Over $100 value. See any student, Ms. Hill or Mrs. Clark for tickets.
Joppa Health class learning CPR, AED, and the Heimlich.
Southern Illinois Wellness Mission
July 22-31, 2022
Carbondale City Hall
200 South Illinois Ave.
Carbondale, IL 62901
Congratulations to the six seniors who won over $10,000 in scholarships.
8th Grade students participated in a Real World simulation today. Each student was asked to select a career. Then, they had to make decisions and "payments" related to everyday life, such as insurance, car, housing, food, etc. After recording their income and payments, each student was able to evaluate their financial state according to their decisions. If you have an eight grade student, ask them if they had enough money to make it through the month.
Graduation Information for JMG #38-May 2022
SCC Anna Extension Office
Sub Workshop
June 2022
9:00 a.m. -12:00 p.m.
Call 618-833-3399 for more information.
Try out the new BoxTops app. Just use the link below, set up your account, enter Maple Grove as your school and scan away! It's that easy.
Thank you all for the support! We would like to start off by thanking all of those that shopped at Big John's in Metropolis from September 1st through March 31st and placed your receipts in our school's box! We are so lucky to have so many supportive community members and we will be ordering so many nice items with the points that we earned with your help! We would also like to wish a very special thank you to Mrs. Brenda Crockett for adding up of those receipts and sending them in along the way. Her time and consideration is so appreciated! Thank you all for supporting our school and district and helping to earn classroom supplies
Maple Grove Spring Fling , Friday April 29 6:00-8:00. Door's will open at 5:50
Third grade is incubating eggs! If all goes well our hatch will be around May 11. Today (day 7 of 21) we candled eggs. Students saw the air sac, blood vessels, and even an embryo bouncing around in the egg! Shout out to Massac County Farm Bureau for providing the kit! Also, Bobbi McGonigal and Caitlin Korte for the fertilized eggs.
Happy Administrative Assistant's Day to our three wonderful blessings.
The Joppa FFA Banquet will be held on Monday, May 2nd at 6 pm in the JHS Cafeteria. The cost is free but please bring a side dish or dessert. Students are expected to wear Official Dress.