Thank you to all who participated in Back the Blue Day and donated to the Utley family. There was a nice write-up on Facebook about our schools I wanted to share.
The seniors are selling chances for three meat bundles from Hughes Market: $150, $100, and $50. Contact any senior to see how to purchase these. They will be raffled off at Senior Night at El Toro Loco on March 24. Come out and enjoy some Mexican food, see if you won a bundle, and help our seniors pay for their senior trip. See you there!
Congratulations to Joppa's WYSE/Academic Challenge Team! The team placed second at regionals. Individuals who placed are:
Hayden Forthman - 1st in Engineering Graphics;
Ava McNeill - 2nd in Computer Science;
Emma Hottel - 2nd in English;
Troy Latham - 2nd in Mathematics;
Rachelle Cox - 2nd in Physics;
Angelica Leach - 3rd in Engineering Graphics; and
Joshua McGinness - 3rd in Physics.
Buses are running behind, stuck behind train at EEI
This is Ranger Country Signs are still available for just $15.00. See any senior or Contact Mrs. Peck( ) or Ms. Owens ( )to get yours today!
JHS Beta Club competed at State Convention in Springfield on Thursday, March 3 and Friday, March 4. The following students won individual awards:
Sky Keeling - 1st place - Digital Art
Ava Stephens - 2nd place - Jewelry
Sky Keeling - 3rd place - Mixed Media
Emily Reames - 2nd place - Recyclable Art
Ava Stephens - 2nd place - Sculpture
Carly Peck - 3rd place - Woodworking
Hayden Forthman - 3rd place - Social Studies
Emma Hottel - 2nd place - Solo Performing Arts
Club Awards:
Marketing and Communications - 1st place
3 Dimensional Design - 1st place
Congratulations to these talented students!
5th and 6th Grade Boys and Girls Basketball Sports Banquet
Monday, March 14
Maple Grove Cafeteria, start time 5:30
Pizza, drinks and awards
Next week , March 8-11 will be Beta Club week at JHS.
Tuesday, March 8 will be 8th Grade recruitment Day
Wednesday, March 9 will be Wacky Wednesday
Thursday, March 10 will be Hat Day
Friday, March 11 will be Black and Gold day or Blue and Gold day in support of either Beta or FFA
Subs for Subs-New date available
March 22, 2022
See attached image
3rd grade is welcoming March by playing outside this beautiful afternoon.
Due to unforeseen issues, today's blood drive has been cancelled.
Parents we need your help. Please take a few minutes, out of your day and complete this survey about our school.
Here is the link;
Just copy a nd paste it into you search bar and it will take you to the survey.
Tonight's 5th and 6th grade basketball game against Jefferson has been cancelled. 6th grade tournament starts next week. Boys play at Franklin on Monday, February 28 at 4:30 vs. Franklin. Bus will leave at 3:45. Girls play at MES on Tuesday, March 1 at 6:30 vs. Franklin. Girls will practice Monday from 4:30-6:00. Bus time TBA.
Due to poor road conditions and icing, there will be no school on Friday, February 25. This will be a traditional snow day.
Thursday, February 24 will be a snow day at Joppa-Maple Grove UD 38.
Wednesday, February 23 all afterschool activates for Joppa-Maple Grove UD 38 will be canceled due to the Winter Storm Warning.
Pre-K students celebrating President’s Day!
Over the weekend, Pulaski County lost a deputy in a tragic car accident. Deputy Utley will be greatly missed. Many of the are schools are doing a Back the Blue day. We will be observing this on Friday, February 25. We are asking everyone to wear blue in Deputy Utley’s memory, and in support of all law enforcement officers. Also, we are collecting 1.00 from all who are able to donate, to send to his family to help with expenses. We appreciate your help and participation in Back the Blue day.
Over the last two weeks, Informational Processing have had the opportunity to learn more about different careers: analytics, cyber security, and gaming. Thank you to Barbara West, Charles Harner, and Hunter Abate-Barrett for taking the time to discuss your career choice to our juniors.
The Joppa High Teen Leaders are helping the 6th graders make pillows. They certainly enjoyed the experience!