Juniors - if you want to apply to SEMO, the Fall 2025 application is now available. Go to https://semo.edu/admissions/how-to-apply/?_eid=5f45682c13563124740046e0
Free Laundry Services provided by MCDAC.
Ag class working hard to make our school look good!!! Great job everyone!
We are hiring a District Principal. Do you qualify?
Joppa/Dongola Co-op High School Softball 2024
Students who are credit deficient and are 16 years old need to sign up for summer classes. SCC will offer classes for high school credit recovery this summer. There will be two sessions that will run Mondays through Thursdays, 8:30 - 2:30, beginning June 10. Classes offered include: English I, English II, English III, English IV, Pre-algebra, Algebra I, Geometry, Life Science, Physical Science, US History, American Government/Civics, Health, and Consumer Education. You can only complete 1 credit this summer. This could be split into two 1/2 credits, if needed.
Please see Mrs. Bellamey for an enrollment form. Space is limited!
Several individual came today to present scholarships to our seniors.
Scholarship recipients! We are so proud!!
SIU stopped by Joppa today to present a gift to our students who are planning to attend SIU next year.
Parents can you please check out our lost and found at the school? We have several pair of glasses, and a Garmin watch. Our last day of school is approaching quickly. (May 23 for students)
Massac County Academic Ceremony was held on April 25. Several teams were recognized.
The Junior Class is hosting a 50/50 Raffle through May 15th. Tickets are $5/ea or 5/$20 or 10/$40. The drawing will be held on May 15th where you could win 50% of the total amount! See any junior student to purchase tickets.
Dr. Greg Goins has been hired as the Joppa-Maple Grove superintendent under a three-year contract. He will begin his new post on July 1.
“I have great memories of my time as a teacher and coach at Joppa, and I’m thrilled to be returning as the next superintendent,” Goins said. “I’m looking forward to reconnecting with people throughout the school community and building new relationships with the board, faculty, staff, parents and students.”
Goins has a combined 29 years of K-12 and higher education experience as a classroom teacher, principal, elected school board member, college professor and 15 years as a superintendent. He began teaching in 1995 at Carrier Mills High School. After three years, he then went to Joppa High School where from 1998 to 2000 he was as a social studies/PE teacher, the district athletic director, head boys basketball coach and junior high baseball coach. He received a doctorate of education in curriculum and education from Oakland City University and a master of science degree in educational administration from Southern Illinois University Carbondale. He is currently teaching middle school studies for Kentucky Virtual Academy in Cloverport, Kentucky, and is an educational consultant and director of the educational leadership program for Georgetown College in Georgetown, Kentucky.
Kindergarten making art projects to enjoy their current reading project of Jack and the Bean Stalk.
The second graders have been learning about butterflies. We were able to watch our caterpillars grow, form their chrysalides, and hatch out into beautiful butterflies. We released them today. We were happy they were free, but sad to see them go.
Thank you to Texas Roadhouse for today's lunch. They provided rolls, baked potatoes, salad and tea for our lunch today.
Over the last two weeks, Consumer Ed students have participated in mock interviews. Before the interview, students completed resumes and applications.
Last week Ryan D. got 6th in shot put, Kali S. got 3rd in 8th grade 100 meter dash, Bella E. got 2nd in 7th grade 100 meter dash & fourth place in hurdles, Charlene B. got 6th in discus (picture #1). Today, Bella E. got 1st in 7th grade 100 meter dash & 3rd in hurdles ( 2& 3).
Please click the link for the information on the Kids Camps at Shawnee Community College.
SCC has some summer camps planned for basketball and more. Please go to the following link for more information: https://www.smore.com/n/dan5f