The home basketball game versus Cobden for tonight has been cancelled due to bad weather in their area. Thanks for your continued support. Go Rangers...
almost 4 years ago, Dr. Jeff Dufour
Parents. It is that time of the year to complete the 5Essentials Survey. This survey identifies five indicators that lead to improved outcomes for all students, including improved attendance and larger test score gains. Please follow the link below to complete the survey. Thanks so much for your time.
almost 4 years ago, Dr. Jeff Dufour
The home basketball game versus Cobden on Tuesday will not have varsity girls game. The varsity boys basketball game will start at 5 pm. IHSA and IDPH regulations regarding COVID-19 are requiring us not to allow any fans into our gym to watch basketball games during the current state of the pandemic. We thank you for your understanding.
almost 4 years ago, Dr. Jeff Dufour
Seniors - If you are interested in a vocational or trade school, have a GPA of 3.3 or lower, and know an Illinois Mason, check your email for a scholarship opportunity.
almost 4 years ago, Penny Bellamey
Seniors - City National Bank Essay Scholarship is due on February 23. Check your email for an application.
almost 4 years ago, Penny Bellamey
Students who met their AR goals for both first and second quarters enjoyed a movie in the gym this afternoon, along with popcorn, chocolate, and juice boxes. Tyleigh Scott was the lucky winner of a book set based on the movie the students watched. Congratulations to all students on their hard work reaching their AR goals!
almost 4 years ago, Maple Grove
Movie Time!
IHSA and IDPH regulations regarding COVID-19 are requiring us not to allow any fans into our gym to watch basketball games during the current state of the pandemic. We thank you for your understanding.
almost 4 years ago, Dr. Jeff Dufour
Congratulations to our Section 25 FFA Proficiency Award winners. Brody Greer placed 1st in Ag Processing and will advance to district. Bryan Walquist placed 2nd in Grain Production. Great accomplishment!
almost 4 years ago, Dr. Jeff Dufour
FFA strawberry order forms are due tomorrow, February 5th.
almost 4 years ago, Dr. Jeff Dufour
Today is the day! JHS Beta Club is hosting their Fazoli's drive-thru fundraiser from 5-6:30 P.M. Preorders may be picked up by driving to the back door (greenhouse side) of JHS. Anyone wishing to place an order upon arrival may pull to the front doors (student drop-off lane) and someone will come out to your car. Spaghetti with meat sauce is $7 and fettucine alfredo is $8. Each dinner comes with 1 breadstick and Dippin' Dots, while supplies last. Extra breadsticks may be purchased for $1/ea. For any questions, please contact Thank you for your continuous support!
almost 4 years ago, Dr. Jeff Dufour
The Junior High basketball game against Century will be on Facebook Live tonight at 530 pm. Hope to see you then...
almost 4 years ago, Dr. Jeff Dufour
Tomorrow is the day! JHS Beta Club is hosting their Fazoli's drive-thru fundraiser from 5-6:30 P.M. Preorders may be picked up by driving to the back door (greenhouse side) of JHS. Anyone wishing to place an order upon arrival may pull to the front doors (student drop-off lane) and someone will come out to your car. Spaghetti with meat sauce is $7 and fettucine alfredo is $8. Each dinner comes with 1 breadstick and Dippin' Dots, while supplies last. Extra breadsticks may be purchased for $1/ea. For any questions, please contact Thank you for your continuous support!
almost 4 years ago, Ethan May
Beta logo
Pre-k has been studying about buildings. We read “Changes, Changes”, where some people are building different structures and they have to keep changing them. We used the pictures in the book to make our own creations!
almost 4 years ago, Abby Dickey
Recreating our structures
Are you interested in an SIU Recreation Professions degree? The SIU Recreation Professions program offers three specializations, Therapeutic Recreation, Recreational Management, and Outdoor Recreation Leadership and Management. To learn more about this exciting degree and career opportunities, see Mrs. Bellamey for a flyer or go to:
almost 4 years ago, Penny Bellamey
A cookie always makes the day great. Thanks GraceLin and Bailey for the chocolate chip cookie.
almost 4 years ago, Dr. Jeff Dufour
Mrs. Rivera's 3rd grade friends are using dice to practice their math facts. This is a fun and easy way students can continue this practice at home too!!
almost 4 years ago, Dr. Jeff Dufour
Happy Groundhog Day
almost 4 years ago, Dr. Jeff Dufour
The second graders love our school for 100 different reasons!
almost 4 years ago, Tamra Peck
100 Reasons
100 days smarter in first grade!
almost 4 years ago, Sherry Godfrey
100 days in first grade!
We had guests in the second grade today for 100 day. We had a few older students, and one who was still in diapers.
almost 4 years ago, Tamra Peck
Brooke-Lynn Miller.
Tyleigh Scott and Lacey Sharp
Reagan Anderson