Drop Off Image

November 4, 2024, we will be changing our drop off/pick up routine due to the opening of the playground.  We want to eliminate any vehicles going between the playground and the school.  

Morning drop off:

We will continue to go around the building with drop off at the cafeteria outside door.  This will allow students to go directly to the cafeteria and eliminate lost time walking from the gym. Drivers will still be able to come in through the gym doors.  

Afternoon pick-up:

We are asking that you pull into the road between the school and the new school property.  This road will take you to where the buses park.  Please make sure you do not block buses from pulling out for dismissal.  Students will be released out the back door where they currently are, but they will come out to you.  You will then be able to pull beside the gym, through teacher parking to exit. 

Thanks for your help with this matter.  Our first priority is to also ensure the safety of our students.